Sunday 30 August 2020

Buddhism in India


Buddhism in India :

In India, we see Buddhism as a fresh expression of the sublime truth. Lord Buddha’s enlightenment, and the subsequent preaching by him for over four decades, were in line with India’s tradition of respect for intellectual liberalism and spiritual diversity. In modern times, two exceptionally great Indians – Mahatma Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar – found inspiration in the words of the Buddha and went on to shape the destiny of the nation.

“Buddhism was not just a religious revolution, but a social revolution too.” 

Buddha did not intend to establish a new religious or social order. But the simplicity of his teaching of truth connected with masses in such a manner that Buddhism became a completely new approach to look at religion and society. It became a new religious and social order.


  • Buddhism started in India over 2,600 years ago as a way of life that had the potential of transforming a person.
  • It is one of the important religions of South and South-Eastern Asian countries.
  • The religion is based upon the teachings, life experiences of its founder Siddhartha Gautam, born in circa 563 BCE.
  • He was born into the royal family of the Sakya clan who ruled from Kapilvastu, in Lumbini which is situated near the Indo-Nepal Border.
  • At the age of 29, Gautama left home and rejected his life of riches and embraced a lifestyle of asceticism, or extreme self-discipline.
  • After 49 consecutive days of meditation, Gautama attained Bodhi (enlightenment) under a pipal tree at Bodhgaya a village in Bihar.
  • Buddha gave his first sermon in the village of Sarnath, near the city of Benares in UP. This event is known as Dharma-Chakra-Pravartana (turning of the wheel of law).
  • He died at the age of 80 in 483 BCE at a place called Kushinagara a town in UP. The event is known as Mahaparinibban.

Tenets of Buddhism

    • Buddha asked his followers to avoid the two extremes of indulgence in worldly pleasure and the practice of strict abstinence and asceticism.
    • He ascribed instead of the 'Madhyam Marg' or the middle path which was to be followed.
    • According to him, everyone was responsible for their own happiness in life, stressing upon the individualistic component of Buddhism.
    • The main teachings of Buddhism are encapsulated in the basic concept of four noble truths or ariya-sachchani and eightfold path or Astangika marg.

  • Dukkha and its extinction are central to the Buddha’s doctrine. Suffering is not limited to the actual pain but also to the potential to experience these things.
  • The essence of Buddhism is the attainment of enlightenment. It points to a way of life that avoids self-indulgence and self-denial. There is no supreme god or deity in Buddhism.
  • The ultimate goal of Buddha’s teaching was the attainment of nirvana which was not a place but an experience, and could be attained in this life.
  • Buddha also established a code of conduct both for the monastic order and the laymen to follow which are also known as the Five Precepts or Pancasila and refrain from them.
    • Violence
    • stealing
    • sexual misconduct
    • lying or gossip
    • taking intoxicating substances e.g. drugs or drink

  Major Buddhist Texts  

  • The Buddha's teaching was oral. He taught for 45 years, adapting the teaching to suit the group he was addressing.
  • The Sangha memorized the teachings, and there were group recitations at festivals and special occasions.
  • The teachings were rehearsed and authenticated at the First Council and were divided in Three Pitakas in 483 BC.
  • His teachings were written down around 25 B.C.E. in Pali.

  • Buddhist Councils
  • Buddhist Councils marked important turning points in early Buddhism.
  • These councils resulted in sectarian clashes and the eventual Great Schism that resulted in the two major schools, Theravada and Mahayana.
  • In total, 4 major Buddhist councils were convened:

First Council

  • It was held soon after the Mahaparinirvan of the Buddha, around 483 BC under the patronage of King Ajatshatru and was presided by Mahakasyapa, a monk.
  • The council was held in the Sattapani cave at Rajgriha.
  • The council was held with the purpose of preserving Buddha’s teachings (Sutta) and rules for disciples. During this council, the teachings of Buddha were divided into three Pitakas.

Second Council

  • It was held in Vaishali, a village in Bihar under the patronage of the king Kalasoka in 383 BC. It was presided by Sabakami.

Third Council

  • It was held in 250 BC in Patliputra under the patronage of Ashoka and was presided by Moggaliputta Tissa.

Forth Council

  • It was held in 72 AD at Kundalvana, Kashmir. It was presided by Vasumitra, while Asvaghosa was his deputy under the patronage of King Kanishka of the Kushan Empire.
  • Buddhism was divided into two sects namely Mahayana and Hinayana.

Schools of Buddhism

  • Mahayana:
    • It is one of the two main schools of Buddhism.
    • The term Mahayana is a Sanskrit word which literally means "Great Vehicle".
    • It believes in the heavenliness of Buddha and Idol worship of Buddha and Bodhisattvas embodying Buddha Nature.
    • It originated in northern India and Kashmir and then spread east into Central Asia, East Asia and some areas of Southeast Asia.
    • Buddhist schools embedded in China, Korea, Tibet, and Japan belong to the Mahayana tradition.
  • Hinayana
    • A literally Lesser vehicle, also known as an Abandoned Vehicle or Defective vehicle. It believes in the original teaching of Buddha or the Doctrine of elders.
    • It does not believe in Idol worship and tries to attain individual salvation through self-discipline and meditation.
    • Theravada is a Hinayana sect.
  • Theravada
    • It is the most ancient branch of extant Buddhism today.
    • It remains closest to the original teachings of the Buddha.
    • Theravada Buddhism developed in Sri Lanka and subsequently spread to the rest of Southeast Asia. It is the dominant form of religion in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
  • Vajrayana
    • Vajrayana means “The Vehicle of the Thunderbolt”, also known as tantric Buddhism.
    • This Buddhist school developed in India around 900 CE.
    • It is grounded on esoteric elements and a very complex set of rituals compared with the rest of the Buddhist schools.
  • Zen
    • It is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty as the Chan school of Chinese Buddhism in and later developed into various schools.
    • It spread to Japan in the 7th century C.E.
    • Meditation is the most distinctive feature of this Buddhist tradition.

Spread of Buddhism

  • Buddha had two kinds of disciples – monks (bhikshus) and lay worshippers (upasikas).
  • The monks were organized into the Sangha for the purpose of spreading his teachings.
  • The Sangha was governed on democratic lines and was empowered to enforce discipline among its members.
  • Owing to the organized efforts made by the Sangha, Buddhism made rapid progress in North India even during Buddha’s lifetime.
  • After the death of Buddha, his followers traversed on his path of meditation and roamed throughout the countryside.
  • For 200 years Buddhism remained overshadowed by their Hindu counterparts until the advent of Great Mauryan King – Ashoka.
  • After the bloodbath in his Kalinga conquest, emperor Ashoka decided to give up the policy of worldly conquest and adopted Dhamma conquest.
  • Ashoka during the third Buddhist council dispatched various Buddhist missions to different areas such as Gandhara, Kashmir, Greece, Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Egypt, and Thailand.
  • Through his missionary effort, Ashoka spread Buddhism into West Asia and Ceylon. Thus a local religious sect was transformed into a world religion.

Religious Revolution

  • Explanation of Sufferings through 4 simple noble truths and the wheel of dhamma was understandable by ordinary people unlike the scriptures interpreted by priests only.
  • The focus was on the ethical living of ashtanga marga rather than rituals, animal sacrifices, etc.
  • Great stress was led to an individual search of the truth and the authority of Vedas was challenged. Faith was given a rational basis.
  • It preached atheism that is, there is no God that will help us in Moksha but we ourselves are the makers of our destiny.
  • Further proliferation of multiple sects (Hinayana, Mahayana, etc) in Buddhism brought out characteristically new religious approaches

Social Revolution

  • The intimate connection between religion and society in those times led to the manifestation of Buddhism as an egalitarian doctrine. It opposed the caste and varna system, any form of hierarchy and discrimination.
  • Women were given equal status as men which were against the Shastras like Manusmriti (social code).
  • Use of Pali language as opposed to Sanskrit which could be read-only by Priests broke the monopoly over knowledge
  • Emphasis on ahimsa, avoidance of extremes led to the establishment of a peaceful society.
  • It became conducive to the progress in the areas of art, architecture, sculpture, literature. 
  • Trade flourished and India’s political power spread far and wide in the subcontinent.

Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Culture

Buddhism has made a remarkable contribution to the development of Indian culture:

  • The concept of ahimsa was its chief contribution. Later, it became one of the cherished values of our nation.
  • Its contribution to the art and architecture of India was notable. The stupas at Sanchi, Bharhut and Gaya are wonderful pieces of architecture.
  • It promoted education through residential universities like those at Taxila, Nalanda, and Vikramasila.
  • The language of Pali and other local languages developed through the teachings of Buddhism.
  • It had also promoted the spread of Indian culture to other parts of Asia.

Buddhism as a Way of Soft Diplomacy

  • Buddhism in India as a Soft Power is different from the conventional sense of the term. India talks about shared cultural development instead of the export of culture.
  • The values of peace, accommodation, inclusiveness, and compassion that are part of our societies can be attributed to the influence of the teachings of Lord Buddha and Buddhism.
  • The ideals of Buddhism continue to intersect with the political and economic contexts of many Asian nations with 22% of the world’s population.
  • Buddhism can act as an intensifying factor for Asian emotional bonding and connectivity as it is embedded into their “nationalistic” thinking and actions.
  • Buddhism is not restricted to Asia and has been able to generate a spiritual awakening elsewhere in the world and influenced a stream of philosophical traditions world over.
  • India has in its favor at the moment abundance of resources by way of pilgrimage sites, the presence of the Dalai Lama, and international goodwill, as well as the right intentions.

Way Forward

  • Effective revitalization of the Nalanda University project and encouragement of Buddhist studies in well-established universities will bring the International community at a common platform.
  • The promotion of Buddhist tourism reminiscent of the ‘Incredible India’ campaign is required to popularise India’s association with the faith internationally.
  • The government faces the crucial challenge of effective execution. Buddhist diplomacy would go a long way in countering the rise of China, strengthening its relations with Asian countries, and helping it further down the path of its regional and global power ambitions.

Note: Heritage City Development Scheme (HRIDAY) and identification of 3 Buddhist circuits are some of the few initiatives by the central government to harness the Buddhist pilgrims to both augment the Tourism and employment opportunities.

UNESCO’s heritage sites related to Buddhism:

  • Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara at Nalanda, Bihar
  • Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi, MP
  • Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya, Bihar
  • Ajanta Caves Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Mahabodhi Temple Complex, Bodh Gaya in Bihar

  • Name of NWH Site: Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya
  • State: Bihar
  • Year of Notification: 2002

Mahabodhi Vihar in Bodh Gaya, Bihar is literary known as the “Great Awakening Temple” where Buddha attained his enlightenment. You can find some depictions of Avalokitesvara, Marichi, Jambhala, Yamantaka, and Vajavarathi.

Along with that, you can also find some rare sculptures of Vishnu Shiva and Surya inside this temple. The famous Bodhi Tree is situated inside the temple complex where Buddha gained enlightenment.

According to popular Buddhist mythology, during 589 BCE, Siddhartha Gautama came to this place and he started meditation under a peepul tree, which is known as the Bodhi tree. After three days, he was enlightened, and afterward, he spent seven succeeding weeks in this forest area.

Later, during the 260 BCE, King Ashoka built this temple in this area. The Bodhi tree is a famous religious point in Bodh Gaya and it is directly connected with Buddhist history.

According to their mythology, no one can travel around the Bodhi tree in this world because this is a sign of life, and this tree will spread the life to other natural elements of the world from this point.

Apart from this, you can also find a Musical Lake inside the temple complex, which is known as the Mucalinda.

After four weeks of meditation, Buddha found that the firmament was enveloped with dark clouds, and a heavy storm was approaching the earth. After one day, this lake was created automatically and Buddha found his human form after four days.

The temple is designed with brick artwork and this is the oldest brick art in the eastern region. UNESCO added Mahabodhi Temple Complex as World Heritage Site in June 2002.

Buddhist Monuments in Sanchi

  • Name of NWH Site: Buddhist Monuments in Sanchi
  • State: Madhya Pradesh
  • Year of Notification: 1989

Sanchi is popular for its Great Stupa situated on the hilltop of Sanchi Town in Raisen district. This is a Buddhist complex which is situated in Madhya Pradesh, India.

During the 3rd century BCE, the Great Emperor Ashoka built this great Sanchi Stupa and this is the oldest stone structure in India. The curved brick structure built over the Buddha and crowned by a Chatra symbolizes the peace, honor, and shelter of human beings.

Ashoka’s wife Devi was the daughter of a renowned merchant living in Sanchi, and Ashoka went there for his wedding. Afterward, Ashoka built this Stupa with bricks. There are large carved gateways of this Stupa during the 11th century.

You can find some pillars polished with some sandstone and the upper portions of the pillars are designed under the canopy. On these pillars, you can find some oldest inscriptions which originated from the SankhaLipi of the Gupta Period.

Apart from that, on Stupa One, you can also see some large numbers of Brahmi inscriptions. Here you can find several temples, statues, and sculptures made with sandstone and historians found some valuable inscriptions and the oldest Buddhist temple no. seventeen in the Sanchi complex.

Those who want to explore the classical period of Buddhism can visit this complex. UNESCO added this complex as a World Heritage Site in the year of 1989.

Ajanta Caves, Near Aurangabad

  • Name of NWH Site: Ajanta Caves, Near Aurangabad
  • State: Maharashtra
  • Year of Notification: 1983

Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad, Maharashtra were added as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the year 1983. You can find some ancient paintings and sculptures in these caves, which describe the oldest Indian art forms. Expressions of these paintings through different gestures, poses, and forms are really expressive.

According to notable historians, these paintings and arts are the masterpieces of Buddhism, and through these art forms, people get to know about the oldest Indian art.

According to the historical facts, the first phases of the Ajanta Caves were built during 2nd century BC and the second phases of these caves were built during 400-650 CE.

You can find some ancient paintings on the caves, which describe the rebirth of Buddha, and you can also find some prayer and worship halls and monasteries inside the caves which show the different types of traditions of Buddhism.

According to old manuscripts, monks, pilgrims, and merchants used to stay inside these caves during the monsoons. Caves no 1, 2, 16, and 17 are the most ancient Indian wall paintings. you can also find some mural wall paintings, which were painted with vivid natural colors.

You can also find the Ellora Caves in the nearby area, where you can see some Hindu and Jain ancient temples, wall arts, paintings, and curved statutes. So explore the oldest Indian culture by visiting the Ajanta Caves and feel something about the ethereal architectural beauty of India, with joy.

Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara (Nalanda University) at Nalanda

  • Name of NWH Site: Archaeological Site of Nalanda Mahavihara (Nalanda University) at Nalanda
  • State: Bihar
  • Year of Notification: 2016

Nalanda was the largest Buddhist monastery of the Magadha period. The site is located in Bihar in India, and UNESCO added this site as World Heritage Site in 2016.

Earlier three large institutions were served as Vedic learning centre and Nalanda was one of them. During the Gupta Empire, Nalanda flourished and during the Pala Empire, Nalanda was declared as the best Buddhism development center in eastern India.

Many scholars from Tibet, China, Korea, and Central Asia visited this school for learning Vedic and Buddhism.

Xuanzang who is popularly known as Hiuen Tsang visited Nalanda twice and he spent two years in this monastery. Here he was renamed as Mokshadeva and he used to study under the guidance of Shilabhadra.

According to the Tibetan sources, Nalanda had some rich collections of books and Sanskrit tests and Nalanda had three large libraries named Ratnasagara, Ratnodadhi, and Ratnaranjaka.

Multiple Choice Questions - Buddhism

1. The largest Buddhist temple in the world is located in: 

  1. India
  2. Indonesia
  3. Japan
  4. China

2. Among the following who was the personal physician of Gautam Buddha?

  1. Sushruta
  2. Charak
  3. Jeevaka
  4. Nagarjuna

3. In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand for?

  1. A description of Mahayana
  2. A description of Hinayana
  3. The rules of the Sangha
  4. The questions of King Menander

4. Which state in India has the largest number of Buddhists?

  1. Himachal Pradesh
  2. Jammu and Kashmir
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Bihar

5. During whose reign was the third Buddhist Council held?

  1. Ashoka
  2. Kanishka
  3. Harsha
  4. Samudragupta

6. Who was the teacher of Gautama Buddha?

  1. Panini
  2. Alara Kalama
  3. Kapila
  4. Patanjali

7. What are the places which contain the relics of Buddha known as?

  1. Viharas
  2. Pitakas
  3. Stupas
  4. Chaityas

8. At which of the following places is the Dhamekh Stupa located?

  1. Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh
  2. Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
  3. Gangtok, Sikkim
  4. Gaya, Bihar

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